2008年9月4日 星期四

Mercurius 部落格啟用 [Mercurius blog starts up]



(PS: Blogspot 使用的日期似乎是美國時間,實際上今天已經是九月五號了。如果依照它的時間,那這天是站長失戀的日子,這算是一種紀念嗎?)

Before alpha version 0.2 release, our blog finally starts up.
In the future, we will publish our news about web site and the feeling, some other stuffs about our development.

We hope you guys will pay attention to our movement and hope our work is useful for all of you sincerely.

(PS: The post time of Blogspot seemingly is US local time. Actually, today is 9/5 at Taiwan. This article's post date of blogspot is the date when I was lovelorn. Is this a commemoration?)
