2009年4月13日 星期一

Web 2.0創新服務大募集

各位支持我們的朋友們,我們決定要參加這次的 Web 2.0創新服務大募集。



Dear friends, we decided to participate Web 2.0 innovation service competition.

This is a helpful competition for us, we reviewed our business model, competition strength and other important problems. We will get guidance, assistance and precious experiences from III if we can make audiences like our work.

No matter the consequence of competition, we got a lot! Just like the critial factor is not the business plan itself but the process of thinking that, the critial part is the process of competition not competition itself.
Of course, we still hope we can obtain appreciation of audiences. Please pray for us, dear friends. :)

2008年10月19日 星期日

0.3 版釋出


  • 追蹤及分享的分類功能。
  • 首頁可照分類顯示相關的連結。
  • 網頁的layout問題修正,原本會出現scrollbar的地方,現在都會自動計算大小。
  • 其它javascript等網頁錯誤修正。
  • 程式的工具列中文化問題。
  • 整頁追蹤功能較為快速且穩定,大型的網站也可以處理。
  • 在程式忙碌時不會把畫面卡死,會秀出執行的進度。
  • 效能的改良。
  • 其它小地方的錯誤修正。
下一個版本我們就會著重在細部追蹤及工具列實作的整個翻新。預計完成日期大概是11/25。如果一切順利的話。 :p

After one month since 0.2.01 release, we released 0.3 version.
Compare to previous version, the most important update is the category functionality.
You can browse shared trace by certain category, this is the main feature of this version.

The main changes for 0.3 are:
  • Category for trace and shared trace.
  • You can browse shared trace by certain category.
  • Some layout problems of web pages.
  • Some javascript errors fixed.
  • Fix toolbar i18n problem.
  • The whole page trace function becomes more faster and stable. It can process large web site now.
  • There is a new busy indicator which will not hang the UI.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Some minor bugs fixed.
We will focus on partial trace and newer toolbar implementation at next version. The expected release date is 11/25 if there is no any problems. :p

2008年9月24日 星期三

0.2.01 版釋出! [0.2.01 released!]

在經過一個星期的修正後,0.2.01版釋出了! (點此可下載)

感謝各位的幫助和測試,我們修正了一些明顯的 bug,像是:
  • 在IE6上無法追蹤中文標題的分享
  • 在網頁上點選追蹤分享幾筆後會發生錯誤的問題
  • 網頁上導覽列在中文時沒有顯示正確
  • 有更新時不再會影響程式的畫面及打字,感謝謝文賓的回報
  • 標題太長的網頁無法追蹤,感謝謝文賓的測試及回報
  • IE7上用工具列追蹤的亂碼問題
  • 許多地方沒有中文化的問題
  • 其它小修正
  • 啟用信重寄
  • 切換語系不必再點選[切換]按鈕,感謝廖明正的建議
  • 部份效能改進





0.2.01 is released after one week hard work. (Click here to download)

Thanks to you guys to help us and test it, we fixed some obvious bugs:

  • Unable to trace shared trace with non-english title on IE6.
  • There is a error after you click to trace it.
  • The navigation bar does not work properly if you view shared trace with non-english title.
  • You won't be stucked while program notifies you that update is available, thanks to wenbin to report.
  • Unable to trace a link with very long title, thanks wenbin to test and report.
  • Wrong encoding if you trace browsing web page in IE7.
  • Some missing internationalization text.
  • Some bugs fix.
We also improve:

  • Resend the activation email.
  • You do not need to click 'go' button to switch language, thanks to minzing's suggestion.
  • Some performance improvement.
There are some suggestions and bugs still not fixed, we will test and fix it ASAP, thanks to you guy's help.

We hope you do not only find bugs for us by our friendship, but also give us some suggestions to improve this program for making it more attractive. That is the most important part for public testing. We don't need you to do a test worker for us, oppositely, we do need you to tell us why you like or dislike this software and concept. We will reference your suggestions.

The major feature of next version is determined, you can classify your trace while tracing it with category (tags) and you can see shared traces by specified category. This feature will appear at 0.3.

Automatical updating is not available for current version, we will send mail to you to inform you there is a new version available. You can download it and just reinstall it. In current mechanism, you are unable to use old version because of server's upgrade.

We are sorry for inconvenience, we will make it as better as possible.

2008年9月7日 星期日

0.2 版釋出! [0.2 released!]

很高興地通知大家,我們從上一版 0.1 的內部雛型版本釋出後,經過一年的努力開發。終於釋出 0.2 版。雖然這來得有點遲,而且許多主要功能仍無法完成,但我們還是決定先行釋出以取得更多使用者的聲音。



  1. 線上版的網站!(是的,0.1版根本沒有線上版)
  2. 程式版的全網頁追蹤和比對功能。
  3. 程式版和線上版的功能整合,你可以在程式版內快速操作線上版才有的功能,當然,完整的資訊還是線上版才有。
  4. 簡易的瀏覽器工具列,讓你可以在上線的同時加入追蹤及分享追蹤,和看到別人的討論。

注意到第2點的「全網頁追蹤比對」了嗎?我們目前程式版尚在努力開發中,較為實用的功能是「細部網頁追蹤」。我想你已經混亂了,簡單說,如果你想知道林志玲的最新圖片,所以你用google,打入林志玲,然後選圖片,接著追蹤這一頁。那麼你可以在每次有林志玲新圖片時就通知你。但是注意一下這網頁上有個 共費0.04你每次去查尋,都不會一樣。那麼全網頁追蹤會一直和你說有更新。但事實上,你才不想管它花幾秒鐘找到結果咧,只管給你圖片就對了。






We are very glad to announce the 0.2 version has been released after one year hard work since prototype 0.1. Although this version released a little bit late, we finally decide to release it for more user's opinions.

Briefly, our program is used to notify the update of the web site you interested, we call that a 'trace'. You can know others share the web site you traced; you can know what web sites that others traced; you also can discuss with them for these web sites. Most importantly, you do not need to go anxiously to the same web page or blog continuously to see what's new in it. Everything will be automatically done for you, you just need to create a trace, the program will notify you 'there is a new update'. The rest of time, you can freely to see more web pages or play a Warcraft.

There are two important parts of 0.2, online version and program (desktop) version. Program version is for personal usage, online version is a platform to integrate everyone's public trace information. So, the notification function is provided by program version, the online version provides you to share trace and comment it. You can know what web page is hot or what web page your friends interested. Of course, you can decide to public your trace or not freely.

Although you guys never see 0.1 before, I still describe what's new in 0.2:
  1. Online version web site! (Yes, 0.1 no online version)
  2. Whole page trace and compare in program version.
  3. Integration between online version and program version, you can do some interesting things at program version directly. But of course, complete information is online version only.
  4. Simple browser toolbar, it makes you be able to create a trace, share it and see comments while you browsing.
Did you note the point 2 mentioned 'Whole page trace and compare'? Our program version is under hard work, the more practical function is 'Partial page trace and compare'. I think you are confused already. Briefly, if you want to know the latest images of Jessica Alba, you can type 'Jessica Alba' on google, click 'Image' button and create a trace to this page. You will get notification when there is a latest image for Jessica Alba. But please note there is a damn '0.16 seconds' on top of page. Every time you query for that, it will give you a different result. The whole page trace and compare function will notify you there is a update every time, but actually, you don't care about how many seconds google spent. Just images, please.

So, this is the function 'Partial web page trace and compare' works for. You can skip that damn seconds, everything will be what you want as you wish. This is the main function we will work hard at next few versions.

Sure, this does not mean this version is not useful. Indeed, it can be used at many web sites, for instance, Wikipedia. OK, let me try to find a easier example. If you want to see what's new of photo sets in this user of flickr (OK, this page is no RSS offered), 0.2 will works fine. There are many examples, you can try it if the web pages do not contain meaningless and always changed information. Maybe, you will find the page you traced is hot trace!

So far, you should know what our program do clearly. You can try to download, install it and create a trace to try.

We are still develop next version hardly. We will release next version if there is a important feature available. 0.3 will be released soon, at least, not after one year. Now, everybody cares about when we will done a completed version, we planned at end of this year. At least, we must try to release it before the contest.

Before the completed version, all of your little feedback, opinion and bug report will be very helpful for us to complete final version earlier. We need your care and help! Please try our program and tell us what should be improved. We will be grateful for your help. Download and try it!

2008年9月4日 星期四

Mercurius 部落格啟用 [Mercurius blog starts up]



(PS: Blogspot 使用的日期似乎是美國時間,實際上今天已經是九月五號了。如果依照它的時間,那這天是站長失戀的日子,這算是一種紀念嗎?)

Before alpha version 0.2 release, our blog finally starts up.
In the future, we will publish our news about web site and the feeling, some other stuffs about our development.

We hope you guys will pay attention to our movement and hope our work is useful for all of you sincerely.

(PS: The post time of Blogspot seemingly is US local time. Actually, today is 9/5 at Taiwan. This article's post date of blogspot is the date when I was lovelorn. Is this a commemoration?)